2. Menentukan Tujuan Primer dan Sekunder
1. Menganalisa Penerima Pesan
1. Memilih Tipe Pesan
3. Membuat Outline Isi Pesan
4. Membuat Draft Pesan
5. Mengedit dan Merevisi Pesan
6. Proofread Pesan
Menentukan Level Kosakata
Being Ethical
1. The Golden Rule
4. The Four-Way Test
Assuring Legality
Persuasive Messages
A persuasive message is (1) a request for action
when you believe the receiver may be unknowing,
disinterested, or unwilling,
or (2) a communication to try to change the opinion
of the receiver.
Receiver will have to be convinced that it is in their
best interest to take action.
Examples: request, recommendation, special
claim, sales, collection, and employment
Use the Indirect Plan for Persuasive Messages
The indirect plan assists in convincing a receiver to
take action
à It enables the sender to present first
the benefits that the receiver may gain from
fulfilling the request
The indirect plan conditions a receiver to accept
the message.
The you-viewpoint should be used.
Purpose of a persuasive message:
Purposes of a persuasive message are (1) to have
receiver consider entire message and then (2) to
take requested action.
How to Use the Indirect Plan
Implementing the Indirect Plan
Persuasive Requests
A recommendation is a message that attempts to
persuade the receiver to take an action proposed
by the sender.
Recommendations should use indirect plan.
Examples of recommendations:
• Recommendation to advise the firm to replace obsolete equipment
• Recommendation to change company policy
Special Claims
Special or nonroutine claims are those in which
the fault is disputable. The sender may need to
convince the receiver that the adjustment or refund
is appropriate.
• Simple or routine à direct approach
• Special or nonroutine à indirect approach
Sales Messages
Sales messages come in many different form:
letters, brochures, leaflets, catalogs, radio and TV
commercials, and billboards.
Before you compose a sales message, know the
product or service you are going to sell.
Collection Messages
Collection messages are designed to collect money and retain goodwill.
Collection messages are written in three stages:
• Reminder stage
• Appeal stage
• Warning stage
Each stage is progressively more persuasive.
The reminder stage is for customers who forgot to pay.
The appeal stage must effectively persuade the receiver.
It is written in a positive, courteous one.
The warning stage is the last opportunity for a customer to
pay an account.
Collection Messages
• Reminder stage à direct approach
• Appeal stage à indirect approach
• Warning stage à direct approach

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