menggunakan teknik- teknik komunikasi bisnis yang efektif untuk memecahkan persoalan – persoalan bisnis maupun pengambilan keputusan dalam organisasi bisnis. membangun networking antar individu/ antar kelompok dalam organisasi bisnis maupun networking antar oragnisasi bisnis dengan lingkungan eksternalnya.
Komunikasi Bisnis antara lain :
- pengertian, prinsip, konsep, dan teknik- teknik dalam komunikasi bisnis.
- proses komunikasi bisnis.
- membuat, menyusun, menciptakan pesan informative, pesan positif, pesan negative, dan pesan persuasive.
- melakukan, menyajikan komunikasi oral / presentasi secara lisan.
- bekerja sama dalam kelompok.
- Komunikasi antarbudaya, melakukan komunikasi dengan budaya lain.
A.C. “Buddy” Krizan, Patricia Merrier, & carol Larson Jones (2002), Business Communication, Fifth Edition, south- Western Collage Publishing, Ohio, United States of America.
1 |
Pengantar materi (The Communication Environment) |
Business Communication Foundations |
Part 1 |
2 |
Developing Communications |
Principles of Business Communication |
Part 2 |
3 |
The Communication Environment |
Communication Technologies and Techniques |
Part 1 |
4 |
The Communication Environment dan Developing Communications |
International and Cross- Cultural Communication dan International Communication and Teamwork |
Part 1 Ch.2 Part 2 |
5 |
Developing Comunication |
Developing Effective Ethical Business Messages |
Part 2 |
6 |
Developing Communications |
Positive and Neutral Messages |
Part 2 |
7 |
Correspondence Application |
Goodwill Messages |
Part 3 |
9 |
Correspondence Application |
Negative Messages |
Part3 |
10 |
Correspondence Application |
Persuasive Messages |
Part 3 Ch.10 |
11 |
Correspondence Application |
Business Research and Reporting Writing |
Part 3 Ch.11 |
12 |
Writing Report and Application |
Proposal, Business Plans, and Special Reports |
Part 4 Ch.12 |
13 |
Writing Report and Application |
Visual Aids |
Part 4 |
14 |
Oral and Nonverbal Communication dan Empolyment Communication |
Listening and Nonverbal Messages |
Part 5 Part 6 |
15 |
Oral and Nonverbal Communication dan Employmnet Communication |
Oral Communication Essentials |
Part 5 Ch.15 Part 6 |

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